Comments: Another of those BW sagas

It might also amuse you to hear that Vodafone have removed the ability to lodge a formal complaint from their website or by eMail, the only way being by letter.

If you speak to someone, they will give you an eMail address which proves to be an unmonitored black hole.

So, I added that to the enumerated complaints (now 7) and sent it off.

Posted by Ham on 4 March, 2015 at 7:18 PM

Please PLEASE wear a go pro camera on your head whenever you're out and about. Channel 4 would pay a fortune to broadcast these BW sagas.

Posted by dave on 5 March, 2015 at 10:15 AM

But Ham, businesses just want our money, they don't want to know what they're doing wrong, righting it would cost money!

Posted by Bronchitikat on 5 March, 2015 at 10:52 AM

Rather, they do want to know what they're told they're doing wrong so they can cover it up/obfuscate more effectively in future.

There are many businesses out there now whose raison d'etre is 'reputation management' for clients. Not so much the traditional PR stuff, rather internet intervention.

Posted by Gordon on 9 March, 2015 at 9:26 PM

BW - came across this bee/honey doodaddy that's in its fundraising stage - wondered if Mr BW could knock one up with his talents if you thought it would work with your buzzy familiars.


Posted by Sue on 11 March, 2015 at 1:02 PM

Hi Sue
Yes we have seen this too. There are some fundamental problems with it that make it a little odd and unlikely to work beyond the first couple of attempts in my opinion.

It is also a little like designing an electric bike (bear with me on this analogy, it makes sense to me). Yes it is logical on paper, it works for a given distance, but has limitations that a normal bike doesn't. It is much more expensive and complex than a normal bike. It also goes against one of the main reasons for cycling. But having said all of that, some people do buy them.

And so it will be with this, someone with more money than sense will buy it as a part of an apparent easy way to be 'eco and bee friendly', find it sticks solid after 2 seasons and realise that the bees can no longer add honey to the gunged up cells. They will hopefully realise that they should be looking inside the hive every 10 days anyway, and confine it to the back of the shed with the electric bike they bought the year before :)

Posted by Mr BW on 16 March, 2015 at 1:14 PM