Comments: Hot flush

The heat has caught up to us here, about 32ÂșC for several days now, and more to come yet. Too hot for walks, staying in the air conditioning, mostly. Is that why you stayed in bed?

Posted by Scoakat on 26 July, 2021 at 9:58 PM

"toilets that one can flush using one's smartphone"

I suppose it makes a change from dropping said phone into the toilet?

Posted by Sharon on 27 July, 2021 at 12:08 AM

It never fails to amaze me with smart phones, alexa, switch on kettles, heating, music and now flushing the bog!
I have an old sad Dad phone but it doe the basics: telephone, text and occasionally I can use the map but my work mobile ( iPhone) does the latter.

Posted by delcatto on 27 July, 2021 at 12:08 PM